3 Traits of Every Profitable Blogger 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A lot of bloggers just don't know how to make money.
Some people are marketers at heart, and don't do all that well at blogging because they only try to promote stuff.
Others are bloggers at heart, and want to give everything away for free.
The real money is made somewhere in between those two...
I've talked to people who are just launching their blog, yet all they're concerned about is putting up banners and AdSense on their blog.
There's this blogger I read frequently (David Risley) that calls AdSense "blogger welfare".
In other words... not going to make you much money (unless you can get excited about affording an extra pizza a month).
And ditto for banners (unless you have tons of traffic).
Basically, the formula for making money is to FIRST focus on providing value and getting lots of eyeballs to your site, THEN working to monetize that traffic.
So, here's how successful bloggers do it.
3 Traits of a Profitable Blogger
1. Understand Their Market
I can't overstate how important this is! If you don't know who you're writing to, then you can't even begin to understand how to reach them and get them to interact on your blog (and, of course, buy stuff)
For example, I focus on network marketing on the internet... that's the overall theme of my blog.
My exact market are people learning how to market their MLM's on the internet.
Easy enough.
But let's look even deeper.
I know that over 90% of marketers are new and/or struggling.
This might be obvious, but I'm trying to write to those 90%.
If I write really super advanced posts, there's a good chance I'm cutting out most of my potential readers.
For example, I'm not going to give tips for speaking on stage, or putting on live events in Las Vegas. The average network marketer doesn't care.
So, I try to write easy to implement tips that anyone can put into practice right away.
Make sense?
The better you can pinpoint your typical reader, the easier and more effectively you can reach out and pull them in.
2. Consistent Writing and Action
People need to be able to rely on you. They want to know when your next post is coming out.
I think writing every day (Monday-Friday) is a fantastic way to become reliable in the minds of your readers.
They can visit my blog throughout the week, and I've usually posted something new.
Then, of course, you need to work at getting exposure to every blog post you write! This could easily be a blog post by itself...
Basically, whatever you do to get your blog posts shared across the net, make sure to be consistent and do that with every single post.
3. Sell Stuff
I like this one... and there's a reason I put it third on my list.
After you've done the first two points and really start to master them, you'll get a loyal following of devoted readers.
So... sell them stuff!
Just because you're a blogger doesn't mean you have to give everything away for free. It is a good idea to give some free reports and trainings, but you also have to pay your bills, too!
It could be affiliate products that have to do with what you write about and what your prospects are looking for.
Another (even better!) option is to create your own product. Your readers like reading what you have to say, and a product you create is something they'll definitely buy!
Basically, a profitable blogger FIRST has to focus on his readers. He has to create a relationship with people and get them to return frequently to the blog.
These readers see what you do, like what you write about, and generally look to you as an expert.
That's where you make the money!

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